
 | EOS4 |
 | Type 4 integrated compact light curtain |
 | JANUS |
 | Type 4 Muting light curtain |
 | Heavy Duty Long Range Type 4 light curtain |
 | Type 4 light grid with Muting and retro-reflector |
 | EOS2 |
 | Type 2 integrated compact light curtain |
 | PHARO |
 | Type 3 laser scanner |
 | Type 4 light curtain |
 | Type 2 light curtain with integrated Muting |
 | measurement and control light curtain |
 | ADSR1 |
 | Light curtain module Type4/PLe |
 | ADSRT |
 | Two-hand control module Cat.4/PLe |
 | ADSRM |
 | Light curtain module Type4/PLe with muting function |
 | AUSX |
 | Control unit for Type2/PLd safety photocells |
 | AUSXM |
 | Muting control unit for Type2/PLd safety photocells |
 | A-CI5 |
 | AS-i Safety at Work interface |

Optoelectronic Safety Barrier for the protection of workers exposed to risks arising from the use of dangerous machines. Safety Barrier Admiral, with its two safe static outputs, can work without external control units with all the safety functions integrated inside the Emitter and the Receiver complying perfectly with the requirments of the European Standard EN 61496-1 and the International Standard IEC 61496-1-2.
Conforming to:
- 2006/42/CE Machinery Directive - 2004/108/CE Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) - 2006/95/CE Low Voltage Directive (LVD) - IEC/EN 61496-1 Ed. 2.1 Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment- General requirements and tests - IEC/TS 61496-2 Ed. 2 Safety of machinery- Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 2:Particular requirements for equipment using Active Optoelectronic Protective Devices - EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design. - IEC/EN 62061 Safety of machinery – Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems - IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems. - UL (C+US) for USA and Canada - ANSI / UL 1998 Software in Programmable Components.
Available Model: 4
- resolution 14 and 20 mm for finger detection - resolution 30 and 40 mm for hand detection - resolution 50 and 90 mm for presence detection in a hazardous area. - resolution 90 mm and 2, 3, 4 beams for access control
[Ordering Code List]
[Technical Detail Table]
Technical Specifications:
- Selectable maximum scanning distance 6 m or 18 m - Power supply 24 Vcc ± 20% - 2 Safety static outputs protected from shortcircuits and overloads - Connection with M12, 5 poles connector - Correct alignment and beam status indicator Leds - Seven-segment display for signaling and functional diagnosis - Suppression of the optical interferences through the range selection - 3 fastening modes: back slot, side slot or to the top and lower end - Connection cable lenght between barriers and safety relay: 50 m - Accessory deflection mirrors for the realization of perimeter protections along up to 4 sides
Ideal for the protection of:
- Presses - Punching and dinking machines - Cutters and shears - Robotised areas - Assembly lines - Palletising syste
The products described in this catalogue can be modified by Reer SpA without prior notice.
All the information and examples concerning applications are given as a pure indication. Reer does not assume any responsibility in that sense.
Concerning your application, refer only to its detailed risk analysis; concerning the use of Reer products, refer only to their user manual and contact Reer directly in any case of doubt.
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